Founded in 1963 by a group of independent jewelers, we use our combined buying power to prenegotiate the best terms and discounts in the industry.  Working with the leading vendors in the industry, you benefit from our combined buying power and enjoy higher margins as a result. In addition, you enjoy better terms, return policies and a variety of related benefits.

Members enjoy top quality shows (January and August) at the luxurious Ballantyne Hotel & Lodge in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Our shows are easy to work, and you get to spend quality time with the best vendors in the industry. Our educational seminars, food and entertainment are what you’d expect from the fastest growing buying group in the country.

We invite to come to our next show as our guest and see what membership in SJO can do for your bottom line.

  • Centralized billing
  • Pre-negotiated terms & discounts
  • Buying Shows
  • Educational Seminars
Centralized Billing

SJO’s centralized billing system allows a jeweler the convenience of sending one check to pay for all of their SJO vendor purchases made during a billing cycle. This alleviates sending numerous checks to numerous vendors. You receive one statement – you send one check. It’s that simple.

Pre-Negotiated Discounts

SJO negotiates aggressive discounts and exchange policies for our members. SJO has bigger discounts and better terms with our suppliers than independent jewelers can negotiate with suppliers individually. Spend time with your family or in the store – not haggling with vendors!

Buying Shows

The SJO Shows enjoy almost 100% attendance. This is because the venue for our shows is a luxury 5-star hotel, with our renowned educational series, having lots of fun, sharing and getting worthwhile ideas from fellow members. Get out of the store and reignite your love for the industry!

Each SJO Show incorporates two full days of buying in addition to educational seminars on current trends and exceptional entertainment to relax after a busy day on the show floor.

The whole weekend will give you and your guest the opportunity to get great ideas from fellow members while having some well deserved fun and relaxation.

The best part is there is no fee to attend our buying shows!

It’s not just about the buying! SJO was founded in 1963 and is the oldest buying group in the nation, but it’s now much more than that. SJO’s sole purpose is to help its retail members work smarter to increase sales and, more importantly, increase profits.

  • Superb show location (
  • Real & worthwhile terms and discounts
  • Top class in-store credit card services
  • Serious educational support and seminars
  • Amassing relationships from like minded independent jewelers

All SJO asks is that guests come with an open mind. SJO obviously is very confident that you will like what you see when you attend, which is why they go to the expense of getting you there.

However, if the result of attending is that you or SJO feels it’s not a “good fit”, we part company with no hard feelings.

The first year of membership is free!

Thereafter, your fee is based on your annual sales through the group.

In order to become a member of SJO, the following qualifications must be met:
  • Credit-worthy jewelers as indicated by the Jewelers Board of Trade and other credit reporting agencies.
  • Business must have a store front and operate under regular business hours.
  • Store must be in business a minimum of two (2) years.
  • Complete the application process
18th hole of the golf course at the Ballantyne Hotel
Ballantyne Hotel pool
Ballantyne Hotel pool and grounds